
Born in the South African university town Potchefstoom, Fisher moved to Swaziland aged 4 where she lived with her family until adolescence. She then travelled to Johannesburg to study English and Music at the University of Witwaterstrand. Whilst the influence of Fisher’s early experiences and surroundings can clearly be seen in her work it is not until later, when Fisher moves to New York to read psychology, that she first received any formal art education. Fisher’s first serious engagement with sculpture though came after her move to London in 1988.

Since then Fisher has been very active within the London arts community.  Early in her sculpting career she was selected to represent England in the 1993 exhibition Women and Europe, and more recently exhibited her sculpture at the 2012 London Olympic Games. Fisher’s engagement with the art world extends more widely than just her own work; she travels and reads widely on the subject, and is also on the board of a number of art trusts, including: the Tate International Council; MoMA P.S.1; Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation; and the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

In Fisher’s sculpture we see the synthesis of her childhood upbringing with Anglo-European art history. Fisher’s quotidian compositions fix on maternal relationships and those of lovers and individuals. She also engages with themes of work, duty and subjugation that flip between Western and African facing perspectives. To this extent Fisher’s work stylistically references the works of many artists including: Edgar Degas, Henry Moore and Lynn Chadwick; as well as traditional artists of her native South Africa and Swaziland. 

Fisher splits her time evenly between her studios and commitments – including extensive charity work – in London, New York and South Africa.



Scope's Sculpture Exhibition, London UK

Olympic Village, London UK

Alon Zakaim Fine Art, London UK

2003 – present
Arij Gasiunasen Gallery, West Palm Beach USA

Lillian Heidenberg Fine Art, Miami USA

Lillian Heidenberg Fine Art, Miami USA
David Stern Gallery, London UK

Hannah Feschar Sculpture Gallery/Garden, Surrey UK
Time Piece Exhibition, Cork Street Gallery, London UK
David Stern Gallery, London UK

Hannah Feschar Sculpture Gallery/Garden, Surrey UK

Phillips, London UK
Hannah Feschar Sculpture Gallery/Garden, Surrey UK

Ben Uri Gallery, London UK
Passion and Sensuality, Cork Street Gallery, London UK
Bonhams/Well being art exhibition, London UK

Sculpture Direct, Group Exhibition, London UK

David Stern Gallery, Tel Aviv Israel
Ben Uri/Nationwide art event, London UK

British Contemporary Art Fair, London UK

Ben Uri Society finalist, London UK
David Stern Gallery, London UK
Women and Europe, London UK

Not the summer exhibition, Group Show, London UK